Start your revolution here
I’m here to help you rebel against the idea you need to be anyone other than the real you.
The positive, authentic, likeable, vulnerable and imperfect you.
Let’s abandon the blueprints, the manuals, the musts and the shoulds. This is where you get to inspire others, create change and have impact.
To lead your people, your life, and your business YOUR way. With your unique brilliance.
Let’s start your rebellion.
6 signs that you need to rebel :
As a purpose driven leader :
As a leader you are someone who wants to create opportunities for others. Yet you can’t see a space for you in your current organisation.
Or you’re wondering if you’re “too soft”, not enough, or not the right type to take your career to the highest level. You’re passionate about having an impact
As a growing business owner:
Your business has grown and been successful but you’ve been saying yes to every project and charging less than your true value
As a working parent :
You’re stagnating in your career or stuck in toxic environment – doing the same or a similar job for longer than expected because it fits in with your family life. It’s making you miserable or bored
As a coach or consultant :
You feel like you’ve lost your sense of self. You’ve invested in training, online development programmes but you lack the confidence to ‘reveal your true self’ and start marketing yourself in a way that feels true to you
As a mum:
You feel conflicted after going back to work following maternity leave – balancing your role as a parent with your role as a manager or leader. You’re not sure who to be, how to be, which parts to bring back
As a manager :
You’re exhausted. You’re having to push everything through, show everyone how, be harder, tougher. You feel like you’re pushing, micromanaging and directing instead of enabling, modelling and promoting. You know there’s a different way but you’re not sure how to break the cycle.


If you’re reading this and thinking: “I’m not a rebel” or “I’m not a leader”
Then I can 100% assure you that you’re in the right place.
This is for you.
This is for you and all the things you want to achieve.
This is your new perspective on who you are and what you can create.
This is the revival of you.
This is for the change you want to create for yourself and others.
This is for your career development or business expansion.
This is your first act of rebellion as the new leader you will become.
Your ‘This is me’ moment.
Your game-changing investment and work on yourself.
This is for the impact, equality and opportunity you want to achieve in this world.
As you. Glorious, unique, imperfect, not quite there yet YOU.
When you truly find your unique way, you become a leader who helps and empowers others to think and do differently.
You start by asking “Why can’t I?”
Then, you find and mobilise others.
When they join you, you ask them, “How might we?”
Together, you create positive change, innovation and opportunity.
And to all those doubts, doubters or negative nudges along the way, we learn to decide “Who are you to tell me?!”
Hi, I'm Rachel
I know the power of building yourself and your story into everything you do. I’m here to help you uncover and unleash your unrivalled, uncopiable, unfiltered unique brilliance. And in doing so, my goal is that you will :
- Unleash the unfiltered brilliance in those around you. Your ideal clients or your employees, your colleagues, your friends and family.
- Become positive agents for change as you uncover not just your potential, but those in your line of sight.
- Live your life and work through a new lens of self-acceptance and sense of mission.
I am a qualified coach with a 20-year career as a consultant and leader in communications, marketing and public relations. That means I’ve spent 20 years helping all kinds of people – from solo start-ups to CEOs employing hundreds – to build reputations, engage their communities, shape messages, communicate difficult news, challenge thinking, change perceptions, persuading to take action… and much more.
Of all the work I have done with clients, I love shaping their story; of themselves and their impact and seeing them gain recognition and reward through that. Whether that’s through achieving a promotion, building a bigger business, giving media interviews or winning awards. As a coach, I help my clients change their internal story of who they are and what they can achieve, and then convey their story confidently to themselves and others in a variety of ways that feel best for them.

Which rebel leader are you?
You are a CEO passionate about social change; education, inequality and social mobility.
You care deeply about creating opportunity for others.
You are a woman employed in a management or leadership position.
You want to be the best leader you can be without losing, or compromising yourself along the way.
You are a coach, consultant, or freelancer.
Your business is your key to personal fulfilment, positive impact and financial reward.
How to work with me
for employed leaders

Using my REVIVE framework, we’ll take an empowering deep dive into the story of YOU. You’ll reconnect with your power and purpose, and come away feeling ready to convey your natural brilliance at work or in your own business.

90 minutes of co-creation with me will create your potent possibility plan! This go-getting, inspiring session will allow you to see yourself and your talents in a completely different way, and shape them into your irresistible offer and a plan to get rewarded for your sparkly natural brilliance.

Activate your rebel mode!
This experience is designed to take you from “I couldn’t possibly” to “I’m doing this and I’m taking my tribe with me.”
These are the steps we will take together, through a mixture of 6 coaching sessions, trainings and workbooks to help you uncover your inner rebel, find your voice and plan your personal success strategy.

The 3 Step framework
Rediscover your awesome. This is all about recognising and owning your unique experience and expertise. You’ll develop unshakeable confidence in your true self as the expert. No more hiding or comparisonitis!
Shape your story and declare your rebel causes.
Now you know who you truly are, let’s see what’s possible for you; opportunity scoping and blue sky thinking for your career or business.
If you’re employed we look at career options, opportunities to grow in an existing role, grow influence and network, and opportunities beyond your role; new jobs or starting a business. For business owners, we’ll define your offer and clients, your mission and life’s work.
Your strategy to get recognised as the expert you are and plan your legacy. We look at all the options available; Media & PR, Awards Nominations, Event Speaking, Guest Speaking, Voluntary and Board positions and more.
What they say?
” Your focused attention and process has helped me get really clear on WHAT the transformation is and HOW to communicate it. It has really helped me be clear on my bigger vision, and how what I am doing now is feeding into that. Your approach is so supportive and you really put time and effort into understanding ME. Thank you! “
“Rachel used a hybrid of coaching and mentoring to work with me on my challenges and opportunities. This has been a transformational change for me. I have understood what my own barriers to change are, where my strengths lie and tackle the imposter syndrome that rears its head every now and again! Rachel has a wonderfully calm, balancing approach that helps you form the answers for yourself.”
” I am a strong determined person and I know my passion for life and success is exactly what my clients need and I’m now so confident I can give the most incredible support to anyone that works with me. This is all thanks to you and your fantastic coaching skills to help me unlock what was holding me back.”